Tagged: Mead

2023 Metheglin (Mead) in Detail 1

2023 Metheglin (Mead) in Detail

last updated 12/05/2024 I’ve had 5 lbs of honey in the cupboard for months, as I had the intention of making a coffee mead. Then I was given a bottle of a coffee liqueur,...

2023 Metheglin (Mead) 0

2023 Metheglin (Mead)

August 2023 Months ago I purchased 5 lbs of honey from Costco, intending to make a coffee mead. While it sounded good at the time, I have 12 bottles of Coffee Port remaining, and...

2018 Metheglin (Mead)

2018 Metheglin (Mead)

September 2018 For non-mead makers, metheglin is mead (honey wine) flavored with spices. I haven’t made this since 1998 … but have no good reason for not doing it. I loved the last bottle...

Mead Making Reference Sheet

Mead Making Reference Sheet

This reference sheet was created for and presented to a beekeeper’s group in Pittsboro, NC in June 1999. I gave a short presentation on mead making and used this sheet as an aid. Mead...

1998 Metheglin (Mead)

1998 Metheglin (Mead)

September 2007 I hadn’t made mead in 10 years and since one of the guys I worked with is a beekeeper it made perfect sense to make a batch. I last made a mead...

1988 Metheglin (Mead)

1988 Metheglin (Mead)

September 2007 Mead is a staple is certain fantasy genre, so it was on my mind. This batch was spurred by two customers that came into The Winery (my shop) in consecutive weeks. I...