updated 08/13/2024
I record my understanding and processes for numerous winemaking activities as whitepapers. Originally I started these musings to help me remember things, but this has morphed into recording answers to common questions on WineMakingTalk. After answering the same question a dozen or more times, it’s far more efficient to write a well thought out answer, and post the URL.
Note that I am an amateur winemaker — this is a lifelong hobby, not a vocation. While I don’t have professional training, I have 40+ years of winemaking experience, and read practical winemaking guides and research papers, so my musings are based upon practical experience along with knowledge gleaned from professionals and my fellow winemakers on WineMakingTalk.
Also note that the ideas I present are not the only valid answers. Most things in winemaking have more than one possible solution, and I present what has worked for me.
Some of my whitepapers are geared towards beginners, but some of the more advanced topics require background and experience. If you are a beginner, start with the items under Basic Winemaking.