Tagged: potassium metabisulfite

How to Make K-Meta Solution 0

How to Make K-Meta Solution

This is a common question — how to make K-meta solution? Some will ask, “What is K-meta?” This is an excellent question to ask if one doesn’t know what it is. K-meta is shorthand...

Sanitizing During Winemaking 0

Sanitizing During Winemaking

A conversation with a new comrade on WineMakingTalk prompted me to record what I do for sanitizing during a winemaking session. In this context, a “session” is any time I touch my wines. This...

Sanitation in Wine 1

Sanitation in Wine

It appears that a fair number of winemakers, not limited to beginners, don’t understand the differences between “washed”, “disinfected”, “sanitized”, and “sterilized”. In this post I take a stab at defining these terms in...