Tagged: R J Spagnols

2020 Pinot Noir

April 2020 My niece asked me to make her — yet — another wine. She expressed an interest in Pinot Noir, and last time I was in American Brewmaster, they had one on clearance....

2019 Vieux Chateau du Roi

May 2019 I stopped in American Brewmaster yesterday to purchase oak cubes, as I decided to add a bit more oak to the merlot I started last week. An R J Spagnols kit —...

2019 Merlot #1

May 2019 My niece asked me to make her a Merlot kit. American Brewmaster had an R J Spagnols kit on clearance, $58 instead of $80. She decided she liked the price so I...

2018 Coffee Port

November 2018 Back in July I pre-ordered this coffee dessert wine from American Brewmaster. The kit arrived in late September, but my 3.5 gallon carboys were both full … so I had to wait...

2018 Verdicchio

October 2018 American Brewmaster has some kits on sale. They’re old – the R J Spagnols Grand Cru Verdicchio I purchased is dated February 2017, so it’s a year and a half old. I’ve...

2018 Black Forest Port

July 2018 I purchased this kit last year — I enjoy the port-style kits and wanted a raspberry chocolate … but it wasn’t available. Cherry chocolate may prove to be better! April 2020 –...


2016 Orange Chocolate Port

September 2018 – I made an Orange Chocolate Port a few years ago. It came out really good, so I wanted to do another port-style wine. Although I wanted to do something different, American...

2012 Orange Chocolate Port

February 2012 – I spotted this kit in American Brewmaster, heavily discounted. I checked the label and it was 1.5 years old. Yikes! But a voice inside me said, “go for it!” and I...

2011 Vieux Chateau du Roi

November 2011 – To avoid legal problems the kit wines that emulate a regional style have to use a different name, which are sometimes hard to figure out. This one is a Chateauneuf-du-Pape (Rhone)...

2011 Australian Chardonnay

November 2011 – I decided to start 2 more kits before the end of 2011. Given that the last white & red I made (chardonnay-semillon and pinotage) are going fast, I decided to make...