1987 Pear

September 2006 – This was the last pear wine I made. While I like pears to eat, the fruit is too bland to make a good wine.


Fruit 6-3/4# pears
Water 1 quart
Sugar 4 cups
Acid 3 tsp acid blend
Nutrient 1 tsp nutrient + 1/2 tsp energizer
Pectic Enzyme 1 tsp
Sulphite 1/4 tsp K-meta
Yeast Epernay II


Started 09/03/1987
SG 1.115
Yeast added 09/05/1987
SG 1.115
Strained 09/20/1987
SG 1.000
Racked 09/27/1987
SG 0.998
Racked 12/06/1987
SG 0.988
Filtered, #2 filter pad 02/27/1988
SG 0.988
Bottled 05/29/1988
SG 0.988


Yield 4 bottles
Alcohol 17.3%
Afterthoughts I wasn’t particularly pleased with either pear wine I made. Quality was fine, but the flavor was blah, boring. It had nothing to entice me. Being rather bright, I stopped making it! 🙂
October 2018 I recently read a post on Wine Making Talk that stated pear is too bland to make a good wine. It appears I’m not alone in that assessment.