2018 Luna Bianca (Chardonnay)

September 2018

Luna Bianca is a chardonnay blend that is supposedly Winexpert’s boldest white. I made this a few years back and really enjoyed it. I was quite pleased to find that American Brewmaster had a fresh stock of kits in, and this was available.

If this comes out as good as I expect, it won’t be the last time I make it.

Kit Winexpert Selection Luna Bianca kit
Bentonite 30 g
Yeast Lalvin EC-1118 yeast (included in kit)
Oak 120 g (4 packets) oak dust
Sulphite 4 g
Sorbate 5.5 g
Kieselsol 12.5 ml
Chitosan 75 ml

Added 2 cups hot water to primary – stirred in bentonite.

Added chardonnay bag, rinsing the bag well with water (added to primary). Filled to 5.5 gallons with water. Stirred for 2 minutes, reversing direction every 30 seconds. Tested SG.
Directions said to add oak first, but that makes no sense.

Added oak dust, stirring for 1 minutes, reversing at 30 seconds

Sprinkled yeast on top.

SG 1.092
Racked, moved to carboy.

This one surprised me. I checked SG 2 nights ago, it was 1.050. Tonight it’s 0.997. I’ve had wines ferment fast before, but I think this one is a record

SG 0.997

Added sulfite and sorbate, stirred 4 minutes using powered stirring rod.

Added kieselsol, stirred 2 minutes. Racked back into carboy.

SG 0.995
Added chitosan, stirred 1 minute.

Added reserve pack, stirred 4 minutes.

Following the addition of the reserve pack, the SG seems high.

SG 1.002
Racked, due to sediment build-up. Added 1/4 tsp potassium metabisulfite. 11/12/2018
SG 1.002
Added 1/4 tsp Kmeta. Bottled. 11/24/2018
SG 1.002

Yield 25 bottles
Alcohol 13.2%
Residual Sugar 0.5%
Winemaking Notes For previous kits, I’ve been blasé about the ingredients. However, I’m starting to pay attention to what is in the different kits, including amounts — I want to understand more about what goes into creating a kit. Which differs from fresh fruit.
As with most 6 gallon kits I do, I diluted the fruit package to 5.5 gallons, providing a bit bolder flavor. This kit contains an F-Pack, which I believe provides a slight sweetness. I’m going to look for more information regarding it.
The SG following adding the reserve pack seems awfully high, given the small size of the pack in 5.5 gallons of wine. This wine is supposed to rest for a minimum of 27 days before bottling. I probably won’t touch it again until early December, when I’ll check the SG again.
11/24/2018 The expression on Eric’s face when he tasted the wine was interesting. This kit has a tiny amount of residual sugar — he had trouble reconciling the taste of chardonnay with residual sugar. It is a bit disconcerting. However, based upon the results of the last time I did this kit, I expect it will turn out great. It needs a year in the bottle, maybe two.