Bottling Wine From The Carboy or Barrel
updated 06/19/2023
On WineMakingTalk, occasionally there are questions regarding racking just before bottling. Following is my current methods for bottling from both carboys and barrels.
Bottling from Carboys
The title is not an accurate description, as I never bottle directly from the carboy, for three primary reasons:
- Sediment: No matter what fining agent(s) I use, or how carefully I rack, there is the potential for a fine layer of sediment in the carboy, and I don’t want that in the bottle.
- Homogeneity: I want the wine to be as homogeneous as possible. Bulk aged wine has not convection currents, so wine in different parts of a container may be different, especially if oak adjuncts are used. Wine next to the oak will be more strongly flavored with oak than wine in other parts of the container.
- Sulfite: I add potassium metabisulfite (K-meta) at rackings and at bottling to protect the wine. This needs to be evenly distributed, so the wine needs to be mixed, and racking will do this.
To solve these problems, I rack from the carboy to a primary fermenter, adding K-meta to the primary right after the rack begins. Near or at the end of the rack, I stir gently to ensure the K-meta is distributed and this ensures the wine is homogeneous.
When racking, I leave the last bottle’s worth (more or less) in the carboy, so any sediment is left behind. The main part of the wine is bottled.
I pour the remainder of the wine from the carboy into a bottle (typically 1.5 liter bottle to ensure I have room) and examine it. If there was much sediment, I put a stopper in it and put the bottle into the fridge for a week to settle the sediment, pour the wine off the sediment, and bottle it.
If there was no or just a little sediment, I bottle the wine. Either way, I mark this last bottle as potentially muddy, and having no K-meta, and use it first.
By using this method, with a 19 liter carboy I get 24 perfectly clear bottles and one that may not be perfectly clear. I consider this a very good trade-off.
Bottling from Barrels
My method for bottling from barrels is quite similar, with a few differences.
My barrels are currently 13 years old, and are “neutral”, meaning all oak character has been used up long ago. I add toasted oak cubes to provide oak flavor. Note that water and alcohol evaporate through the wood, which produces a “concentrating” effect upon the other constituents of the wine. Barrels must be topped periodically to keep the barrels full, which is a trade-off of a loss of some volume to produce a superior wine.
I top my barrels approximately monthly, and it generally requires ~750 ml wine at each topup. Prior to adding the topup wine, I gently stir the barrels with a drill-mounted stirring rod. As noted previously, wine has no convection currents and the wine surrounding the oak cubes (which sink to the bottom) become heavily oaked while the remainder of the wine is not. This helps ensure I’m getting an accurate sample when tasting the wine.
This process is a mild form of bâtonnage, which is stirring of the lees. At this point there is a layer of fine lees, which is composed of yeast hulls. Stirring it back into the wine periodically introduces more complex flavors and aromas.
In the past I cease stirring 2 months prior to bottling to let the lees settle, but am shifting to 4 months prior, as I believe the wine needs more final settling time.
Bottling Time
The process for bottling barrels is very similar to that for carboys, as I rack the barrel into a primary fermenter (in this case 32 gallon Rubbermaid Brute due to the amount of wine). I can’t see into the barrels, so I use the racking cane to judge how far down I am, and leave a few bottle’s worth in the barrel.
I usually have additional topup wine, which I also rack into the Brute. At this point, the bottling process is the same as for carboys.
Since I let the new wine settle at least a few weeks prior to moving to the barrel, there is not a lot of sediment in the barrel. I pour that off into a large bottle and put it in the fridge for a week, garnering another 2 bottles or so. As with carboys, this wine is consumed first.