1984 Dried Elderberry

June 2021

In January 1984 my mom spotted an advertisement for The Winery, a wine & beer supply store in Rome NY. I drove to Rome to check it out, and learned an amazing amount in the course of an hour.

This included things like the existence of hydrometers, and wine yeast, and wine nutrient, and stuff.

I purchased a bunch of stuff but had nothing to make wine from, so I also purchased a bag of dried elderberries. Up until this point, this was by far the best wine I made.

I also purchased H E Bravery’s Successful Wine Making At Home, which taught me a lot.

The elderberry wine? I recall that the bag contained 8 oz dried elderberries, I added 1 gallon of water and 2-1/4 lbs of sugar, and I’m fairly certain I used Red Star Montrachet yeast.

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