1985 Blackberry

June 2021

I have wracked my brains on this one. I recall that it just would not ferment out, and while it was sweeter than I liked, it was better than the bone-dry one from the year before. Yeah, I wish I kept better notes.


Fruit 10# blackberries
Water 3-1/2 gallons
Sugar 10#
Sulfite 6 Campden tablets
Pectic Enzyme 2 tsp
Nutrient 2 tsp nutrient + 2 tsp energizer
Yeast Red Star Epernay II


Started 08/17/1985
SG 1.084
Yeast added 08/19/1985
SG 1.084
Strained 08/25/1985
SG 0.990
2# sugar added 10/15/1985
SG 1.030
Racked 11/25/1985
SG 1.024
Racked 02/14/1986
SG 1.020
Racked 04/04/1986
SG 1.014
Racked 05/16/1986
SG 1.012
Racked 05/29/1986
SG 1.012
Racked 06/10/1986
SG 1.010
Diluted w/88oz 0.991 blackberry wine 06/10/1986
SG 1.010
Clarified 06/23/1986
SG 1.008
Racked 08/15/1986
SG 1.008
Bottled 08/25/1986
SG —


Yield 24 bottles
Alcohol 10.3%
Afterthoughts This was one of those that just did NOT want to ferment out. I finally diluted it with a bone-dry blackberry (can’t recall if that was the previous year’s or if I had made 2 batches this year).

This one came out a bit too sweet, but that’s still better than the alternative: bone-dry blackberry has a nasty, sharp flavor that just a bit of sugar eliminates.